Monthly Challenges & Tracking Log

Use this form to track your progress throughout the month. Once the month has ended send your completed tracking log to your assigned Wellbeing Champion.  All tracking logs must be sent to your Wellbeing Champion on or before the 10th calendar day of the following month  to be entered into the monthly $25.00 gift card drawing, AND count towards your total incentive rewards prize points.  Your Wellbeing Champion will keep track of your total points.  Incentive Prizes will be submitted quarterly.

Incentive Rewards

You are able to earn up to 60 points in the fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th), once you reach an incentive reward category you will not lose your points. You will continue to accrue your incentive points in order to continue reaching additional categories. Your Wellbeing Community Champion is responsible for tracking your points, completing your order and delivering your rewards.

Premium Discount Form

If you participate in the Sun Health health insurance plan, you and your spouse are eligible to complete the Premium Discount Form to obtain a $15.00 discount each on your bi-weekly health insurance premium. That’s a total of $60.00 premium discount per month if both you and your spouse participate! For new participants once you reach 30 points you will begin to receive the premium discount the 1st of the month following earned 30 points. In order to receive premium discount for the following plan year (July 1st -June 30th) you will have needed to earn 30 points the previous plan year.

Provider Verification Form

To qualify for the health insurance premium discount you will need to have your providers (Physician & Dentist offices) stamp the Provider Verification Form in order to acknowledge your visit.

Employee Program Survey

As we kick off the Sun Health Employee Wellbeing Program, we want to hear from you! Thanks to all who have completed the survey so far – we also want to encourage those who haven’t yet completed it to do so. You will receive one incentive point for completing the survey, once completed please submit to your Wellbeing Community Champion.

Lunch & Learn Mini Survey

We welcome any feedback after our quarterly Lunch & Learns. We also would like to hear your ideas and recommendations on future Lunch & Learn topics.

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