Sun Health Career Opportunities

Now Hiring!

Sun Health always has open career opportunities available! We pride ourselves on not only being a wonderful first job for students, but also a home for those employees who have been with us for decades. We hope you share in our passion to bring those who demonstrate the Sun Health Behaviors (The 6 C’s) to work with us to serve our residents.

-Click to view all the job opportunities posted on our Internal Career page. If you see any positions for which you feel you are qualified, talk to your supervisor and apply.

You can begin the Online Internal Transfer Application process if you are interested in applying for any of these roles.

Education Opportunities, Tuition Reimbursement & Scholarships Available!

Sun Health employees are encouraged to pursue professional growth within the organization and educational opportunities throughout their careers. We know that growing employees are happy employees. Sun Health is committed to supporting your personal and professional development through education. Information about educational opportunities and financial.  support can be found in the HR Center> Education Opportunities tab.

Employee Opportunity Feedback

HR wants to know what schools and/or programs you may be interested in. Our goal is to develop partnerships to benefit our employees. Please take a few moments and answer a few questions that will help us better help you. Thank you.
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